Saturday, August 14, 2010


Hai people ! :D
Ohmygod , im posting like finally eh  .
LOL , sorry for not updating for so long .
Wanted to go mia as i cant stand blogger lagging on me , always . -_-
But , im kinda bored recently so decided to revive my blog eh .
Saturday today , woke up in th afternoon .
Well , im super tired ystd , for dont know what reason . x.x
Going out to central > suntec later on ,
and its raining quite heavily nao huh .
Hope th rain will stop , ._.
I dont wna bring an umbrella out with me , heh .
Common test is going on , until next tuesday .
Chemistry and poa on friday was totally screwed up ,
single digit for both papers .
How about that ? (:
Im so gna save more money from nao on ,
life without money sucks tothmax . ):
Hm , considered long post liao horh ?
My brother wna use th connection stick alrd ,
so i should keep my post short . :P
Shall post again when im kinda free okeh ?

Baibai then . (: